Academic Program - trang 1 - Cổng thông tin Đại Học Dược
  • Undergraduate Training Curriculumn 15/05/2016

    The framework for training pharmacist at university level which belongs to Health science block promulgated by Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, is applied for institutions to train the health workforce. This curriculum was provided by Hanoi University of Pharmacy consists of 165 credits.

  • Master Training Curriculum 10/05/2016

    Number of Credits must accumulate: 50 Credits, in which: General knowledge (compulsory): 5 Credits and Specialized knowledge: 35 Credits

       + Compulsory: 20 Credits

       + Optional: 15 Credits

       + Thesis: 10 Credits


  • PhD Training Curriculumn 28/04/2016

    Total number of credits must accumulate: 90 credits (130 credits for a PhD who does not have master's degree) including:
    - Supplemental Module: number of credits depends on situation of each PhD

      + For PhD without master's degree: 40 credits.
      + For PhD with a master's degree (if have to learn additional module): the number of credits depending on situation of each PhD (proposed by the specialized Department, decided by the Rector).

    - Doctoral Module, Doctorate Thematic and Overview Essay: 15 credits including:

       + Doctoral Module: 08 credits
       + Doctorate Thematic: 04 credits
       + Overview Essay: 03 credits

    - Thesis: 75 credits

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